For membership questions: VSLAmembership (at)
For questions or comments about the website: VSLAwebmaster (at)
All other inquiries: Board Member Contact Information
Vermont School Library Association Constitution and Bylaws
The name of this organization shall be the Vermont School Library Association.
The purpose of this organization shall be to provide leadership in:
promoting student learning through effective use of educational standards
promoting the development and implementation of school library information literacy programs in Vermont
defining professional standards and encouraging growth among its members
collaborating with all entities involved with education and librarianship
advocating for school library programs to the educational community and general public.
Section 1: The Governing Board shall propose types of membership, privileges of the types of membership, the duration of such privileges, and the amount of the annual dues.
Section 2: Any person committed to the purpose and goals of the Association may become an active member of the organization upon payment of dues. Active members shall be entitled to vote, to hold office, to serve on committees, to participate in the VSLA listserv, and to receive any publications and services prepaid or contracted for by this organization. Changes in the amount of the annual dues shall be subject to a vote of the membership.
Section 3: Honorary members shall be entitled to all privileges granted an active member except to hold elective office.
Section 1: The elective officers constituting the Executive Board of this organization shall be:
Vice President (President Elect)
Past President
Section 2: The Governing Board shall consist of the elective officers of this organization, the chair of each standing or appointed committee, and a representative from each of the regional organizations.
Section 3: Governing Board members may be relieved of their duties if membership in VSLA lapses, or if they fail to attend three Board meetings in a school year.
Section 1: Proposed amendments may be submitted to and approved by the Governing Board and shall be submitted to the membership not less than thirty days prior to a duly called and constituted meeting or a special meeting called for the purpose of an amendment consideration.
Section 2: Proposed amendments shall be voted upon by those members present and eligible to vote, and must pass by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of said membership.
Section 3: Proposed amendments to the by-laws shall be handled in the same manner.
Section 1: The PRESIDENT shall
preside at all Governing Board and general meetings
serve as ex officio member of all committees
appoint all committee chairs with the approval of a majority vote of the Governing Board
serve onthe NESLA Executive Board as VSLA President
preside at any meeting in the absence of the president
be responsible for any duties that the president may designate
Section 3: The SECRETARY shall
keep and publish minutes of all Governing Board meetings
keep and publish minutes of all membership meetings
distribute minutes of meetings to the Governing Board prior to the next duly called meeting
receive and maintain copies of the annual reports of all committee chairs
be responsible for all correspondence as directed by the President or Executive Board
be named with the treasurer on all bank accounts
Section 4: The TREASURER shall
perform duties assigned to this office including records, receipts, expenditures and financial reports
prepare, in collaboration with the Governing Board, the annual budget to be presented to the membership at the annual meeting
pay all bills against the organization
prepare materials for periodic audits
be named with the secretary on all bank accounts
Section 5: The PAST PRESIDENT shall
chair the Scholarship and Award Committees
provide support to the President
Section 1: The elective officers of this organization shall be nominated by a nominating committee appointed by the President, with approval of the Governing Board.
Section 2: The nominating committee shall prepare a slate of officers to be presented at the annual meeting for action by the membership present.
Section 3: The term of office for all officers and committee chairs shall be articulated in each position’s Roles and Responsibilities documents, which will be posted on the association’s website.
Section 4: In the event that a position may go unfilled, an officer may be elected for a successive terms in the same office, beyond that stipulated in the position’s Roles and Responsibilities.
Section 5: The President, with the approval of the Governing Board, shall appoint a member to fill any unexpired term.
Section 1. Standing Committees shall be established by the Governing Board.
Section 2. Special committees shall also be designated by the Governing Board, as needed.
Section 3. Committee Chairs shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Governing Board and will act as representatives on the board. All committee chairs shall submit an annual report to the President with a copy to be filed by the Secretary.
Section 1: The Vermont School Library Association shall meet at least once annually. The time and place shall be determined by the Governing Board.
Section 2: The Governing Board shall meet at least four times a year as called by the President.
Section 3: The voting membership in attendance at any meeting of this organization shall constitute a quorum.
Section 4: Special meetings of the membership may be called by a majority of the Governing Board.
Section 5: The Secretary shall notify the membership of any general meeting at least fifteen days prior to the date of the meeting.
Section 6: Roberts Rules of Order, revised, shall be the authority on all questions of parliamentary procedure. A parliamentarian may be appointed by the President to be present at all general meetings.
Section 7: It is the understanding of this association that meeting attendance in the 21st century may involve physical and/or virtual attendance. This applies to meetings of the Governing and Executive Boards, regions, and duly-warned meetings of the full membership for the purpose of a vote.
Section 1: Dues shall be assessed to the membership as recommended by the Governing Board and changes will be voted upon by the membership at the annual meeting.
Section 2: Honorary members shall be exempt from any dues to the organization.
Section 3: The fiscal year of this organization shall be from July first of one year through June thirtieth of the following year.
Section 4: Following the end of the fiscal year and after due notification by the chair of the Membership Committee, members not paying dues shall be dropped from the active membership list of this organization by October thirty-first. A current membership list shall be made available to the Governing Board, upon request.
This organization shall be affiliated with the American Association of School Librarians (AASL), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), and the New England School Library Association (NESLA).
The President shall appoint a delegate to the AASL Affiliate Assembly and the NESLA Executive Board. The delegate shall serve a minimum of two years in order to assure VSLA’s presence at these groups and to give the delegate an opportunity to become familiar with the operation of the organization to which he/she represents VSLA.
Additional affiliate and liaison relationships with other professional organizations may be established by the Governing Board on behalf of the Association.Section 1: Regional divisions of the membership shall be defined by the Governing Board and distributed to the membership, although regional members are free to attend meetings in any region they so desire.
Section 2: Regional representatives are established to promote rapport among regional members and to inform the Governing Board of regional members’ concerns.
Section 3: Representatives from each region shall be elected by the region or appointed by the President, and shall be a member of the Governing Board. A brief summary of regional meetings shall be prepared for the Governing Board meetings.
Section 4: Regional meetings shall be held at the discretion of the regional representative or as the need arises within the regional membership.
This organization shall in no way lend its name to the endorsement of any specific commercial enterprise for the purpose of advertising.
Upon dissolution, all assets, after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the organization, shall be distributed to an educational organization or organizations exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), selected by majority vote of the Governing Board.